Let’s make a sex tape

For the last few months, college Alex Blake, head of her community college cheer squad, as been trying hard to pick-up Coach Yashua after practice to bang him…right in his classroom! Today’s attempt was a success! Coach knows this 19-year-old black cock slut has been coming on to him, and today Coach gives in! “What’s that, Coach?” Alex asks. “It’s the camera I use to film the players during practice,” he replied. It doesn’t take long for Alex to drop to her knees and make a suggestion: “Let’s make a sex tape! Just promise me, Coach, you won’t show anyone!” Of course Coach makes that promise, and once he feels Alex’s wet, warm mouth drooling spit all over his thick cock, there’s no turning back! Coach uses his deck to fuck the shit out of this little snow bunny, stretching her willing, pink cunt until Alex moans in delight. She takes his cum load all over her pretty face, too! “This can’t happen again, Alex”, Coach says, pulling up his pants. Something tells Alex this is just the beginning.

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